
Something is always happening at Acomware. Be informed.

Acomware slaví 20 let. Podívejte se, jaká byla naše cesta

Acomware celebrates 20 years. See how our journey was

Our marketing agency celebrates its 20th birthday this year. Watch the video how our journey was and how we are today.

Digitální marketing O2 zajišťuje agentura Acomware

O2's digital marketing is provided by the agency Acomware

The company O2, the largest operator on the Czech market, chose the Acomware agency to provide it with complete digital marketing services, both for ...

Ocenění v soutěži IMC Czech Awards: Máme 2 stříbra

Awards in the IMC Czech Awards competition: We have 2 silver

We took home two silver awards from the IMC Czech Awards competition, and we were really pleased. We scored in the Direct B2B and B2C communication categories...

Jak na zákaznickou retenci chytře? O tom byl další Eshopista

How to do customer retention smartly? That's what another Eshopista was about

Why is working with a customer database important? What will work with data bring to the company? How to find a way to lost customers who have been with you for a long time...

Novým provozním ředitelem Acomware je Dušan Smoljak

The new operational director of Acomware is Dušan Smoljak

Dušan Smoljak became the new COO of the marketing agency Acomware, who until now worked at the agency as head of the consulting department. 

Novým Head of Performance agentury Acomware je Vladimír Spurný

The new Head of Performance of the Acomware agency is Vladimír Spurný

Vladimír Spurný took over the leadership of the performance team of one of the largest Czech agencies for digital marketing and e-commerce.

O marketing agentury Acomware se nově stará Jitka Gráfová

Jitka Gráfová is now in charge of the marketing of the Acomware agency

Jitka Gráfová joined the marketing agency Acomware as Marketing Communications Manager. He will be in charge of the complete marketing of the agency...

Acomware přichází na trh s novou kreativní agenturou Blueglue

Acomware comes to the market with a new creative agency Blueglue

After a year of preparations, Acomware launches a new creative agency, Blueglue. The new agency consists of 20 specialists headed by Pavel Paradýse...

Acomware se stal součástí Google Partners International Growth programu

Acomware became part of the Google Partners International Growth program

The consulting company Acomware, as one of 5 Czech and Slovak agencies, joined the Google Partners International Growth program for medium...

Webinář od Acomware ukázal, jak řídit digitální reklamu v B2B

A webinar from Acomware showed how to manage digital advertising in B2B

On Tuesday, March 16, in cooperation with the Association for Electronic Commerce (hereafter APEK), we organized a webinar on the topic of digital advertising in B2B.
